
As parents, we want our children to thrive in every aspect of life. However, sometimes, children may experience difficulties in certain areas, such as sensory processing. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a

Children with various conditions, such as sensory processing disorders, ADHD, autism, and developmental delays, often require therapy to improve their quality of life. Therapy can help them gain the necessary skills and

Learn about sensory integration therapy and how it can help children improve their ability to process and respond to sensory information.  What is Sensory Integration?  Sensory Integration refers to the processing, integration,

Is your child’s handwriting messy, not as polished as their peers or inconsistent? Is your child also avoiding writing tasks? If you answered yes to one or all of these, your child

Wouldn’t it be great if your child had someone other than you to help them reach their goals? If you’re answering ‘yes’ to this question, a skilled Therapy Assistant could make a

Is your child chewing on something all the time? I mean not only food but non-edible objects? While putting things in the mouth is normal for babies and toddlers, sometimes, children past